Our Vision:

An online boutique gallery, presenting the wonderful way in which the Hebridean artistic community interacts creatively with the natural world.

With a focus on natural landscapes and materials, heritage and community, HebMade shares our island talent with the world.


What we consider:

  • Artists and makers based on the islands of the Hebrides

  • Original thoughtful designs only

  • Using natural materials where possible

  • Inspired by the landscape/tradition of the Hebrides

  • Clear and aesthetically pleasing product photography

  • Respect for intellectual property rights - your work should be yours only

  • Businesses that are reliable - for customers and the site as whole

  • Something original - no kit builds etc, show everyone your creativity

  • Fairly priced work - value your time

  • Good quality products - no unfinished corners, glitter, visible glue etc unless this is artistically justified (see our current sellers for examples of quality expectations)

What Can You Submit?

Any form of arts or craft work which meets the above criteria may be considered for sale on HebMade. We curate work to ensure it fits in with our artistic balance.

We currently have work from Photographers, Painters, Textile artists and Illustrators.

We are open to new products and are looking diversify our product mix by working with independent artist-makers.

Artists and craftspeople

get in touch here

If you are an artist or craftsperson who would like to be featured on this site please contact us to find out more.